The desk in Studio 3 is an Audient ASP 8024 with 12 channels on meaning that we have numerous options in terms of how many microphones we use considering we will only have a panel of 5 people in the studio and most likely have a microphone on each of them to allow us to capture their voice a lot more clearly than if we had one microphone in the room, however there is the potential for bleed within the microphone however this can be resolved in post production. Another advantage of this desk is the ability to pan microphones easily for example in the panel situation it would make sense to have the microphone for James paned centrally with the people sitting on the left paned left etc, this helps the listener to gain a sense of the space in my mind as we don’t have the ability to show the space visually unless via social media. Furthermore this desk also allows us to make use of the various equalisation units it has within it meaning we can alter the sound before it comes into the pro tools session, the most common use of this for us will be to eq out a bad sound, or cut the very low frequencies on a persons voice that do not add anything to the overall sound. One of the most important abilities of this desk is that it allow the user to send different headphone mixes to two groups for example if someone wanted the clips to be louder than the rest of the people in the room this could be added easily.
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