Within this post, I intend to explain how we will be making use of the fair dealing clause embedded within copyright law to allow us to make use of clips that are from other sources and not owned by us. Fair dealing in our means that any published copyrighted material bar photographs are allowed to be used for the purpose of criticism, review or quotation (UK Goverment, 2017). Furthermore, we also have to give a credit to the source of the content for example with our programme this could be as simple as saying where we got the clip from, for example, LBC or BBC News etc. Another key thing is that the clip that is being used in our programme must be directly related to the programme and not have a tenuous connection to it. ( Channel 4). Finally, we must consider the length of a clip, as there is no definitive length, other than no more than needed to illustrate a point )…).With these points in mind, we will be able to use any clip that we deem relevant to the subject we’re talking about and not have to get that clip cleared by the respective organisation, meaning that the process becomes a lot easier and quicker than that of clearing content for usage. Overall this clause within copyright law makes it significantly easier for us to create our programme and without it we would struggle to do it, the one complexity we will have is where we say the acknowledgement within the piece as this mustn’t sound out of place.
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