Myriad is the playout system that is used in the radio studios in MHT bar studio 3, which is the one we intend to use for our project, however studio 3 doesn’t have myriad, but if the programme was to be broadcast on Siren it would be outputted via Myriad meaning it is advisable to know about it.
Myriad uses a cart system, with each cart being a piece of audio that can be played out via the 3 playout slots. Myriad also has a cart wall function, which allows you to view any piece of audio within Myriad. Myriad also has a ‘clock’ function which allows you to put audio into a specific time zone e.g 1pm on Tuesday. This audio can then be set to be live assisted or not, what this means is that the audio is automatically played straight after the other item has finished, for example a jingle straight after a piece of music. Or you can disable live assist which makes the audio stop instantly after it, meaning that the mics get faded up afterwards for a live segment of the show. How we would have used it if we had it installed in studio 3 was by utilising it to play out the clips we wanted via the drag and drop method rather than by utilising the clock.
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